Cultural Benefits

While Alaska Natives are well aware of the cultural benefits of subsistence foods and the activities associated with these foods, policy makers may benefit from information related to cultural benefits. We decided that information describing the pattern of subsistence activities of village residents is the most readily available information. We have worked with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Division of Subsistence to extract text on subsistence activities from Division technical reports. For further information on obtaining Division technical reports, contact Bob Wolfe at (907) 465 4148 or by email at

Akulmiut area primarily in the Johnson River drainage west to Baird Inlet and Aropuk Lake

Alaska Peninsula

Chignik Bay Chignik Lagoon Chignik Lake Cold Bay Egegik Ivanof Bay King Cove Perryville Sand Point


Atka False Pass Nelson Island Nelson Lagoon Nikolski Unalaska

Bristol Bay

Alegnagik Aleknagik Clark's Point Dillingham Ekuk Ekwok Igiugig Iliamna King Salmon Kokhanok Koliganek Levelock Manokotak Naknek New Stuyahok Newhalen Nondalton Nushagak Nushagak Bay Pilot Point Port Heiden Portage Creek South Naknek Togiak Twin Hills Ugashik

Bristol Bay Communities

Central Bering Sea

Chefornak Kangirnaa (Kinegnak) Kipnuk Kongiganak Kulukak Kwigillingok Mekoryuk Newtok Nightmute Platinum Toksook Bay Tununak Umkumiut

Chignik Management Area

Copper River Basin

Chitina Copper Basin Gulkana Lake Louise Nelchina Paxson Sheep Mountain Slana

Dillingham Subregion

Eastern North Slope


Gulf of Alaska


Iliamna Lake Region


Angoon Haines Hoonah Juneau Klukwan

Kenai Peninsula

English Bay Nanwalek Port Graham Seward

Kodiak and Afognak Islands



Ambler Buckland Kiana Kivalina Kobuk Kotzebue Noatak Noorvik Shishmaref Shungnak

Koyukuk River Basin

Allakaket Bettles Evansville Hughes Huslia

Lower Alaska Peninsula Subregion

Lower Kuskokwim

Bethel Eek Kwethluk Tuluksak

Middle Kuskokwim River Basin

Chuathbaluk Sleetmute Stony River

Middle Yukon River Basin

Galena Tanana

Nelson Island

Norton Sound

Brevig Mission Golovin Golovin Bay Nome

Nunivak Island

Pribilof Islands

Saint Paul

Prince William Sound

Chenega Chenega Bay Cordova Tatitlek

Sitka Sound

Susitna-Matanuska River Basin

Chase Chugach Eklutna Gold Creek-Chulitna Hurricane-Broad Pass Knik Mat-Su Valley

Tanana River Basin

Dot Lake Fairbanks Minto Northway Tanacross Tetlin Tok

Togiak River Region

Upper Cook Inlet West


Upper Koyukuk Region

Upper Yukon River Basin

Arctic Village Beaver Birch Creek Chalkyitsik Fort Yukon Nulato Stevens Village Venetie

Wade Hampton Census Area

Western North Slope

Point Hope